day 3 project- Last minute card, ugh- would rather not post anything, I am not happy with this card, and its last minute. Serves me right for waiting so long to complete this. LOL Your next stop is Jearise at -
Welcome to the Birthday Luau Blog Hop! Happy Birthday Barbara. We have some talented crafters, please visit each site to see their projects and leave a comment to be eligible for the prizes. You should have come from: Tammy- but if you just stumbled upon my blog and would like to start at the beginning of the hop please go to: Barbara B.
On to my project: I made a birthday card with a hula girl. The skirt is made from prima flowers cut apart and layered on. The design is a coloring page that was printed out. I added a calendar month and colored in the date of my MIL birthday since this card is going to her.
Your next stop on the hop is: Jearise- if you should have trouble with any links on the hop please go back to Barbara's and find the next link on the hop.
I am also linking this project up to You had me at Craft.